There are no two options; We have all experienced what it takes to be disappointed. We were disappointed in ourselves, others, the results, the weather, our work, and almost everything we think.
So here is my question: Why?
It's a pretty simple question! Why are we disappointed? Is it because people and situations leave us? Well, I know this is how it feels sometimes, but that is not why we are disappointed.
Actually disappointed feeling has nothing to do with other people, places or circumstances. In fact, disappointment does not really come from other sources, even if it could be.
Every disappointment comes from the same source
Can you guess what this source? I'll give you a tip, it's internal. It's true; When we feel disappointed, we are the true source of these feelings. OK, I know what you think ...
If the weather turns bad while I'm on holiday, what has that to do with me? And if the new car I just bought is a lemon, how does it come from an internal source? I do not control the weather, and I have not built the car, so how can I be responsible for the fraud involved?
To answer these questions, we must first find out what really is a disappointment. Is this the time? Is it a car? Is the disappointment a kind of person, place, thing or situation? No, that's not all.
Well, what is it?
You know what it is - it is a feeling! And where the feelings? There is internal, is not it? They are an emotional reaction that we create. In the case of feeling disappointed, it is our emotional response to an EXPECTATION. It's true; Waiting is why we feel disappointed.
We are disappointed when things do not meet our expectations. We are not going to take Hawaii the rain, and we do not spend tens of thousands of dollars on a new car, so we can have mechanical problems. We tend to attach almost all expectations in life and then there is a clear possibility that we might be disappointed in the end perhaps.
The role of expectations
Surrendering the expectations, then we will not be disappointed is not really a viable way. Much of our excitement and enthusiasm in life comes from the bad expectations. We look forward to doing things when we anticipate a desirable outcome. In fact, often the excitement is a significant percentage of our joy.
Expectations can also be the other way. If we expect a painful result, we do not call it exciting, is not it? No, it is called fear. In the event of a negative expectation (fear), we are happy when things do not show up as expected. We feel more relieved than disappointed.
So how do you avoid feeling we are disappointed?
It is a very good question. There are a number of adjustments we can make to reduce our feelings to make disappointed without sacrificing sacrifice. Here are three:
1. Take wider parameters. If our expectations are in too narrow parameters, there is a greater probability that we will be disappointed in the end. For example, if you go to Hawaii in winter, agree that you definitely regentage. Plan activities other than the beach these days, and you will be covered. On the other hand, if you have a good time, we need to ask each day between 78 and 83 degrees with clouds, it's just too disappointed. Thus, your expectations loosening somewhat the chance to be disappointed.
2. Live at the moment. Look at your life as an adventure, you can enjoy the most varied experiences. Always the adventure of hope, but you do not include a pre-defined plan. Instead, you are open to everything that happens, and the enthusiasm remains high. Life is always an experience, appreciate it, and you will enjoy the race.
3. Learn the value. There are valuable lessons in every experience we have. How do you feel about these lessons for life. We have told the truth that some of our deepest learning comes from situations that do not go as we thought. Most of the time, we get what we need and not what we want. If learning and growth are the top priority for us, we will find reasons to enjoy a wide range of results and experiences.
This is an attitude!
In the long term, most of us decide the value, we all experience. When we look for reasons to feel disappointed, is what we find. Things do not always manifest as we want, it is a fact with which we all live. Be enthusiastic and full of anticipation, it makes fun and exciting life. Learning to love the journey is the best defense against the dark cloud of disappointment.
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