Best Way To Make Her Chase You - Oba Hold


Win Goals

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Best Way To Make Her Chase You

Women want a man who provides a challenge and are turned off by men who make things too easy. So when you’re texting a girl, get her chasing you by giving her a bit of a challenge. 

You can do that by following the two texting tips below:

Disqualify yourself. To look more confident with women and avoid coming across as needy, playfully disqualify yourself from her dating pool. That is, joke about how the two of you would never be right for each other. 

You could, for instance, text her something like: “Woah woah! You like {thing she likes}? I didn’t know you were that “type” of girl! I might have to get my mom’s permission just to kick it with you… lol :)”. By playfully pushing away like this, you create that space for the girl to chase you.

Do not overtext. This is a big one as too much texting can destroy attraction with women. As a general rule, whoever is putting the most effort into the communication is the one doing the chasing. So if you want to have any shot of getting a girl to chase you, then you must not over-text. Instead, look to keep the text ratio close to 1:1 and text the girl about as frequently as she texts you.
Make a Girl Feel Special over Text

Another trick for how to make a girl like you over text is to stroke her ego. Let her know that she’s made a positive impact on you and that she’s still on your mind. An example of this would be, “I just saw the cutest little squirrel in the park gathering nuts and it made me think of you :)” A text like that is going to make a girl feel special – and making a girl feel good like that is a surefire way to get the girl to like you.

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