A strange feeling, is not it?
Exciting and frightening at the same time.
But it is so, start an online business.
On the one hand, you will need to do more with your life than hating in a job.
On the other hand, it is a new company risky - and thought to catch your boss and bring for your old job paralyze you with the fear of asking.
You want to take control of your destiny and see where your passion leads you. But passion is not enough, and you know it. For this to work, you must create an independent source of income.
For most people, however, the establishment of a company seems not to be fun. At least not in comparison to "follow your dream".
But if you really want to gain your freedom while marking the world, you need to make the leap. You need to start your online business.
And honestly, you could not have a better time picking up to do it. The Revolution Online is here and thrives, ready to collect the brave entrepreneurs in its warm embrace of several billion dollars.
And it is openly exhilarating!
But the possibility of an embarrassing failure and paralyzing is still very real.
So, what is a future online entrepreneur to do?
If you are not afraid, you are probably unwise
Let's be honest, the insane number of parts required for a successful online business moving parts is very discouraging for even the most stubborn entrepreneurs in spotlights like a deer.
Start you want to jump on a ride that turns at 1,000 miles per hour.
And that is when the reality of failure creeps and threatens this revolutionary way to beat your hands.
But wait ...
What about the "take action", "fail fast" and "turn?" Are they not the true way to entrepreneurial success?
Well ... a little.
Because there is a big difference between failure of something the right way to do, and because you are not prepared for the challenges.
Now I know what you think. No one can be 100% prepared for an uncertain journey as entrepreneurship. And you are right.
But ironically, it is our fear of failure that leads us to make enough stupid mistakes.
In a crazy shooting act to make progress and closer to the goal line, we forget ignored or do not know the essential steps of the company's foundation.
Well, the good news is that many of the most common reasons why online businesses fail are totally avoidable if you know what they are.
But here are five things to do if you are still angry about the failure (and some tips dodge any bullet in the case were not):
# 1 Create a directive horrible francs
It seems that someone starts a new tactic, strategy or business model every week, if not daily.
The results they promise are so tempting that it is almost impossible to resist their attempt.
I mean, how can you put the strategies that "10x" offer your content, your traffic, your profits, and your email list?
Here are some of the tempting deals that could fall into your inbox every week of the year:
Get 100 000 registered Instagram
Receive 10,000 items with Facebook ads
Create an online course of 6 figures
Become a guest blogger popular
It never ends ...
So you can get a scandal and decide to try a little of everything. Take pieces of strategies and tactics from powerful mentors and trainers and blindly mix more.
But create a monster by accident. A monster designed to mess up and destroy your business, your time and your purse.
I like to call this monster like franc strategy.
Here are some examples of what this powerful animal looks like:
When you are working on growing your email list with guest blogs, you decide to take a shortcut and mix a few quick ads from Facebook. And for good measurements, you add some marketing tactics Instagram.
When you're working on building your blog traffic, you decide to try a little bit of everything: social media, random list creation hacks, and what the heck ... also launch SEO features.
As you work in the field, you decide to tinker with Pinterest marketing, and maybe a webinar or two. While you are there, you stitch a few inquiries about this bad boy.
The sneaky part of these crazy combos is that you see popular online business gurus mix it all the time. And it seems functional to them - after all, they are gazillionaires.
Well, here are two problems:
An effective strategy is put in place in some way for a reason. You can not usually omit or change key steps without breaking it. (Otherwise, it would not be a strategy, just a collection of ideas.)
Do you know those experts you follow? Yeah, they're pros at this mixing strategy of things. They probably tried it in a "pure" way initially, adjusting it according to their results so that it worked even better for them.
Of course, you are a pro by being a life coach, nutritionist, writer or whatever, but these passion-based skills differ considerably from those required to run and market a business.
So resist the temptation to choose and choose your tactics, as you just reach the front of the queue in an all-in-one-eat buffet.
Now, at this point, you might think:
Hey, that's my business. I can do anything I want!
And you are right.
But what if doing what you want with your strategy prevents you from getting what you actually want from your business?
I know it's not easy to hear. But it's true.
So choose a mentor with a strategy that suits you - and stick with it. Give this strategy a chance to shine alone.
# 2 Insist on doing everything you care about
We were all there. Your car needs maintenance, so you decide to train as a car mechanic and do the job yourself.Except, of course, you do not have it.
But this is the approach that many people take for key tasks in their online businesses.
When our business requires a specialist skill, we will happily spend hundreds of hours in newspapers "how to" - or thousands of dollars on books and courses.
But if I learned something from my four failed online businesses, this is this:
You can not do everything and you expect to keep your head above the water.
Tackling all aspects of your business on its own will not work.
Now, what about you? Do you recognize any of these commercial errors:
You bury yourself in tutorials and knowledge bases for months so you can customize a plugin or a complicated WordPress theme instead of using a more user-friendly theme that works immediately.
You need a compelling copy for your website so that you decide to spend $ 2,000 on a 3-month writing course instead of hiring an editor who can complete it in a week for half the cost (or less).
You want a better Google ranking, so you bust your brain by trying to apply complicated SEO tactics to your blog articles instead of hiring an agency to do it for you.
You are wasting time trying to personally manage administrative tasks, such as basic customer support emails instead of hiring a VA to help you.
The list is lengthened increasingly…
Here are 3 common reasons you are trying to do everything yourself:
You want not only that you have made the right path, but you also want you to succeed. You believe in someone else's job to help you add only more risk to the equation.
However, having the opportunity to attend every task for your business is not just an illusion; it's impossible. There simply is not enough time or energy to play an important role in all aspects of your business.
At one point, every successful entrepreneur must give up some of the reins and delegate responsibilities to others. If you can not, you will never increase your business.
It really lacks funds, or you just have an advantage that money is not there, and you can not pay someone else to do the work for you.
It could be hard to accept, but most online businesses require an initial investment, which means that you can not be financially prepared to get one.
If you have a small budget however, you can stretch things by compromising. For example: be satisfied with a theme without customization from the box, use a word mark instead of a designed logo and user-friendly software and free plugins.
It is natural to protect yourself from failures while trying to prepare you for success. You do not want to look like an idiot, is not it? So you say you have to learn this "one last thing ... and you will be ready to start.
However, there is no good time to start. And the delay will not reduce the exposure or change of life that you hold.
Even if it is scary in hell, you'll probably find that once you enter and start the exposure is not as bad as it seems.
Listen, I Get It ...
At first, it seems that a new entrepreneur must wear all the hats. But remember, you are a person, and you can not take the leadership roles of management, marketing managers, content creators, and customer service providers if you want success.
Because if you think that it is difficult to do everything at the beginning, that only gets worse when your company starts to undress.
So the next time you try to sign up for a course of $ 2000 or spend months learning a new marketing technique or ability to ask yourself if you can spend more money wise your time and money delegate tasks or endanger, While continuing to grow your business.
# 3 Make it all for you (even if you know you should not)
Short question: Who should be the subject of your blog and your online business: you or your audience?
Your probably answer: "My public Duh !!".
"Is this a joke? Will I be punished?
I mean, every smart blogger knows. It's blogging 101, is not it?
What is funny when it is time to develop and implement the content and design of your company, I have not yet found a freelancer or self-employed entrepreneur who does not deny this advice. They always leave their personal preferences and intuitions at the center of attention.
Even stranger: when I confront them, try to educate the dangers and prevent them from admitting that many of their choice to serve themselves longer and their audience, their brand, their transformations or business.
It's like someone's a hot burner burnt down, and their answer is, "Oh, I know, but I'll touch it anyway. Thank you!"
My point?
You know your business will relentlessly focus on your audience. You can hear it all the time.
You get it. But you do not use it.
So why?
Well, building your business, meeting others is a painful and counter-intuitive process. After all, it is your business and you want it to be yours and your knowledge.
You want your website to look and see a reflection of yourself. Something, friends and family say, "Oh, it's totally you."
The problem is - none of this account.
What counts is what your audience expects to see. And more importantly, the audience sees a reflection of themselves - you do not.
The first step is to think about your online business as a personal project. This is not a scrapbooking session. And this is not a mysterious pot there to cook.
Instead, think about what it is:
It is a company designed for a particular target group.
Here's an example:
A food blogger creates a website that looks like a food blog. And even if they do not like how to find most food blogs, it is because it works ... that is what the audience expects. And it also has content and recipes that the audience wants. Not just a collection of what she likes (or even worse - she thinks that his audience should love).
There is a reason why Mexican restaurants like Mexican restaurants and Mexican cuisine serve. There is a reason why social networks such as social media sites and social interaction tools provide. There is a reason why the minimalist blogs offer minimal air and a minimalist content.
And for this reason is: That is what the public expects and wants.
Do not get me wrong. I encourage you to apply your own personal twist in your writing and your design. But if you turn too far so that your audience does not realize their expectations in your listings, you can break your business to failure.
If you're in trouble with the design, choose a proven model or a designer with a story in your niche. Do not know what the possibility of several options is? Set your audience. No matter what you prefer. (But try to say that to your ego)
Regarding the content you already know the answer:
Do your research (eg comments on the blog, forums, social media).
Choose themes that your audience wants (and not just those that you find interesting).
Give your readers and use their feedback to refine your attention.
Keep your focus on your audience and do not allow to disrupt this egocentric choice.
Because you need to wrap your head around this:
Your audience does not have you. They only care about what you can do for them.
If you can make this connection fail, you can not deliver what they want.
And that means your business will fail.
Every time.
# 4 Try to be a secondary one yourself
They are smart. They know that the fastest way to build an online business is to use the source of the wealth of a profitable market that already exists.
And let's be honest, the best sign of a healthy market is that other companies are already booming.
In fact, some of these companies are likely to follow your models - influential bloggers with hordes of fans and beautiful enviable online empire full of millions of dollars of products.
Talk about a proven market!
But, although it is natural to pursue a similar success, it is very serious to copy your templates. They will eventually start a business "me too", which differ in the market from other already established ones.
Suppose you are a big fan of Jon Morrow. So you decide to target the same audience as Jon. They try to write songs like Jon. They do you best to tell stories like Jon. Imagine creating products like Jon.
But the thing is, you are not Jon. Try as you can, you will always be a pale imitation.
So you have to ask yourself why the readers who read the content and style of Jon read a blog instead - or even as good as - be?
In other words, why would someone choose it imitation if it can have the original?
Failed online business - 4 quote
Of course, this does not mean that you can not create such a popular blog that Jon, but you can never get from Jon Jon. So if you want to appeal to the same audience you need to do it differently.
But let us say that you want to appeal to an audience quite differently. Suppose you want Jon Morrow technology, education ... or even the interior architecture?
Well, my friend, you can be on something. Because you have a differentizer. They make blogging a distinctive style and an online business in a niche where it does not yet exist.
(Better hope Jon does not start to blog about these issues!)
Never forget that you need a strong differentiation feature. Something about you, your company or your product differentiates you.
In other words, you must have a sound answer to the question:
"Why would people read my blog and they buy my product or service instead of alternatives already established?"
But how can you do that?
There are many ways, but there are some ways to stand in a margin of drained:
With a strong attitude. Take a stand for your world view ... and never get away again. You do not have to name any names or phone people. Rather, you can fight with the status quo. Be brave. Be brave. Cockroach the roof!
Select a different format. If you tend to publish your models long blog publications, then try to publish them in a video or audio format. If your niche is already overwhelmed with good content, be conservative instead of a creator (as Brian Clark has done with his new newsletter).
Revitalizing a classic. Find a tired method, strategy or attitude that still works and there are useful levels on it. Seth Godin has done with his book Purple Cow. He followed the classical training to develop an all-purpose feature (USP) and offered on the modern level. And if you apply minimalism education? Or the 80/20 rule for career development?
The next time you are tempted to follow your heroes too close, ask yourself what kind of entrepreneur would you be: a passable fake or a real artist?
# 5 Refuse to make real sacrifices
You'll see it on every online course sales page, an e-mail introduction and a money back guarantee. Since the great list of side effects at the end of drug advertising, it is still there. You can not regret it.
"You have to work. If you are not willing to make an honest effort, then this course is for you. "
There has been such a common explanation that you are thinking of blowing right now "Yes, yes, I understand. I'll do the work. Now, where is the right purchase button? "
But here is the thing ...
Nobody tells you what "work makes" to say.
Well, I'll expose this sneaky little set for what it really means:
They must be willing to make sacrifices.
Building a company takes time, money and energy. If you are serious, something must be given. The extra time is not only displayed when you submit your information about PayPal.
No successful entrepreneur has gotten where she is without many victims in exchange (at least initially).
Here are the kinds of sacrifices I'm talking about:
Watch less television (and the latest Netflix series is indispensable)
Give up some of your hobbies
Work evenings and weekends (even if you do not like it)
Invitations from family and friends declining (and perhaps in trouble for it)
Less dedicated to your job (which could affect your career offline)
Look, your victims do not have to be sudden and brutal - they can be methodical and progressive.
I do not ask you to leave your family, destroy your career, reject any form of enjoyment and become a hermit manic, owned by the company.
However, you must carefully examine what you are doing with your time. And discover how you can make room for your business.
Some people find it helpful to write everyday life in a week. Be honest and specific. Make a list of everything you need to spend time, and the time required. Then inventory time continues and made so many cuts and adjustments that you need.
For each item, ask yourself: is it more important to get on the floor of my online business? Otherwise consider carving.
Others find it easy to make sacrifices on the fly. They opt for a week-to-week while their trading obligations fluctuate.
And some brave souls take enormous weights as they leave their working day. In this way, they are forced to make their business the top priority. It is a high-risk strategy, but for some people, the lack of a safety net is the best motivator they know.
I can not tell you exactly what to sacrifice. This is for you to decide what to cut and how much.
But I can tell you that without sacrifice, without changing your priorities, you will never be the business of your dreams.
Offload and continue the path of success
Starting an online business is risky, no doubt.
And getting into something that feels like the deck is already stacked against you is daunting, also depressing.
But not all risks are the same. In practice, you can reduce the chances of your business by opening our eyes to the way the errors most frequently occurs.
So, study the teachings above and make sure you do not navigate to the failure of one of these misdirected paths.
Is that you defeat completely? Of course not.
But armed with the knowledge of the most common traps, I feel that you do not want to stop laisserz.
Because even if you know the road to online success, paved a million dreams stranded it something special here, entrepreneurs.
Despite unlikely chances, incomparable fear and the most serious victims, we reject be defeated.
And that is the secret:
If you have eliminated the risks, you can control you need to dive and start a path to success. And if you hit a road bump or make a mistake, you'll learn to learn something useful ... and choose your ass for another round.
Because that is what real entrepreneurs.
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