Blogging requires a lot of pointless time.
In fact, it's not enough time to do anything (especially if you have a full-time job).
By learning new ways to get traffic and planning messages on social networks you can get your email list and manage comments, you feel stretched to your limit.
And the more you learn and grow, the more you have to take care of it - it is exhausting.
So when I told you that you can add a team tool to the toolbox, which devote a lot of time to eliminate the rather boring aspects of blogging?
This 13 WordPress plugins is like a full-time employee who narrow the hours of your blogging work week, allowing you to do to the important things again: write and connect with the audience.
Plugin 1: Beacon
If you agree to make your email list, content updates will allow you to significantly increase your subscribers.
The offer opt-in converts to my website at a rate of about 10%, while my salary upgrades to almost 25% to 30% convert.
This means that for each visitor to 100,000 blogs, I can collect 15 to 20 other emails.
Impressive, is not it?
But add updated content to all the articles you seem to publish like a daunting task, is not it?
Not when you use Beacon.
Beacon allows you to create e-books from the existing files automatically directly on your WordPress dashboard:
If you have several blog posts that could go together in a contiguous eBook, or if you have long content that could do the same, Beacon can do that for you ...
Without playing with you, shape them.
I have an e-book with Beacon for my guide on Instagram Marketing in five minutes flat, and he converted to more than 20% of the visitors.
Massive results in a quarter of the time.
Plugin 2: nice link
With right link you can create memorable and shorter links on each page you refer to. This prevents you from chasing their URLs all the time.
For example, affiliate links can be quite complicated and contain random sequences of hard to remember numbers. So if you refer a lot to the same affiliate product, you can create a simple link as "".
And you can do the same for each publication or page you refer to often. You can bring any URL to an unforgettable keyword and do not have to spend time hunting links.
Just compare:
You can see how the second URL would be easier to remember, is not it?
And that's not all. Pretty connection also saves time when you need to replace a link that you used a lot.
Let's say you change your username on Twitter. You should search and replace for all links with your Twitter account ...
Unless you've created a nice link that says "". You can easily access your dashboard, change the destination URL, and you're done.
Plugin # 3: SEO Smart Links
When you publish a new article on your blog, you visit all your previous articles and link them to them?
It is good for SEO and increasing your site calls by a larger number of readers to help you find your content.
But it's too long, is not it?

Enter SEO Smart Links, which is a plugin that automatically links keywords and phrases in your article based on the rules you set.
For example, I have an article on one of my clients who have built a company $ 10,000 through a procedure per month that I teach customers. I configured so that when phrases like "independent buyers" or "independent customers appear on my blog, they are linked to this article automatically.
This makes it so I never have to dig my old messages for creating internal links.
Note: This is also convenient with affiliate links. You can ensure that you never miss a chance to earn affiliate income by defining an intelligent link from SEO.
Plugin 4: Yoast SEO
Let me guess ...
If someone says "SEO", you want to run for the hills.
For new and even more experienced bloggers, search engine optimization is like Mount Everest for beginners. This is the "holy grail" of traffic generation strategies, but it is terrible run.
So you could spend the next months SEO.
Or you could save hundreds of hours of a case study after case study, for the best SEO practices and try to decrypt Google-ese Yoast SEO install.
Yoast SEO is a Wordpress plugin that helps you by optimizing each of your messages through a handy checklist to "classify" the extent you optimized your post:
You should know the basics of SEO (so that you do not fear Google), but with Yoast SEO, you do not have to study for hours.
Plugin 5: MonsterInsights
Checking the statistics is as addictive as Candy Crush and equally unproductive. When you break your focus out of what you're working on (ie, important things like writing articles), sacrifice 20 minutes of productivity, even if you were only distracted for two minutes.
This is called the "task change", and it is a good time.
Reduce review obsessive statistics is hard when you are addicted, but you can reduce the time you waste with MonsterInsights.
This is a Google Analytics plugin for Wordpress that shows you the most important statistics directly on the dashboard.
You need to leave your site not to check the analyzes (and distracting into the ocean of the characters). You can write within Wordpress, get your quick fix stay and move on to your publication.
Plugin 6: WP Performance Profiler
The speed of your website directly affects the results of your search engine.
This means that if your blog is slow, Google will punish you. And often, if your blog is slow, it is one or more of your plugins that cause the problem.
It is a great pain to repair.
First, you need to extract the GoogleSpeed ​​Tester Google. Then you have to start your plugins individually. And after each plugin you disabled, you should test the speed again to see if you have found the guilty.
That is, unless you let WP Performance Profiler do for you the hard work of all.
This sophisticated plugin costs less than ten dollars and saves you trouble plugins while noting digging enabled plugins that will later make a blog.
It also shows you the impact of your plug-in on the front of your site, which affects the speed with which it seems to your readers:
Wordpress - WP Performance Profiler
This saves you the time to test your site to try to find the culprit plugins.
So WP Performance Profiler activate on your blog, plugins disable these problems and come back to do the important work of bloggers.
Plugin 7: UpdraftPlus
If your blog has never been given, it is likely this is due to housing problems, or a plug or a broken topic.
These problems can often be corrected quickly enough, but sometimes it is not so easy, and it eliminates the history of your own blog. The worst case: you have to lose a ton of content.
Unless UpdraftPlus install a Wordpress plugin that will save your blog and save your backup files to Dropbox, Google Drive, or any remote storage solution you use.
This basic plugin save time in two ways:
You will not spend hours on the phone or online chat with the employees to restore the last backup of your site.
You do not have to manually save your blog. UpdraftPlus perform automated backups on a schedule so you do not have to remember it.
Believe me, if your website inevitably breaks, you will be glad that you had the far-sightedness to install the plugin.
Plugin 8: Akismet
Have you logged into the Wordpress dashboard of your blog and have you seen comments like this?
Thanks for the compliment, "Petite clothes".
These are comments about spam are a huge waste of time.
There is nothing so surprising that sort of comments identify what is real and what remains the robot.
For this reason, all bloggers should use Akismet - the most popular anti-spam plugin for Wordpress, which filters all spam with remarkable accuracy:
Plugin 9: WP link status checker
Faulty links hurt your SEO and experience from your player to your website.
You need to make sure your links are all in good shape, is not it?
Apart from that, it would take hours to hours. You should periodically review your publications to check for incorrect links, test each as if you were a reader.
No one has time for it!
Broken Link Status Checker Use WP instead.
This plugin performs scans that check all the links on your website for autopilots according to your own parameters. You can check the internal links or make sure your players will not be less if they click on a link that you placed on another blogger.
Plugin 10: ManageWP
If you have more than one blog, you can be even more overwhelmed by familiarizing yourself with everything.
You have a million tabs open on Google Chrome, you waste a lot of time between the individual tabs each day (often evoke bad), and you can barely inform you.
Well, look no further because ManageWP will make your life much easier.
ManageWP Wordpress is a management system that links your blogs to a single dashboard.
I have three blogs, and this plugin saves me a lot of time from one to another. It allows me to easily access each one with a single mouse click and also provides a simple overview of the security, performance, and any analysis.
ManageWP is a must for anyone who manages multiple blogs.
Plugin 11: Activate Replace Media
There are about a year, I hired a web designer to revise my blog, unsure.
When the design was finally made the world and pushed, I began to notice small problems:
I had to replace my old logo on all sides, on which it still stood. My head shots were obsolete on my old content and my pages, and many blog pictures I had not created any more.
I had to do.
First I had the new logo to download, the pictures in his head and blog pictures on Wordpress.
Then I had to paint the pages of my blog, update these pictures, eating hours (and a lot of patience too).
But I fell media media replace: a wordpress plugin that can replace you the piece of media (in my case, the pictures) instead of downloading new and hunting.
Plugin 12: Events +
They have been there.
You are trying to make a coaching call or a time book a prospective free client, or maybe just a conversation with a player trying to meet them, but they can not find time to work for both you.
So you spend what hours as your e-mail inbox offers offers, rejection and debt restructuring.
If this sounds familiar, this plugin will give you a great relief. Dates + is a plugin that allows you to book your customers or your bookings directly to your Wordpress website.
So you get out of your email inbox and get time, frustration and come and go.
Note: This plugin is only available as part of a larger package that costs $ 49 per month. On the other hand, you will not need this plugin before enough customers. (And the package contains other useful plugins too!)
Plugin 13: CoSchedule
You know the feeling ...
You have a million ideas for blog posts (or maybe, like me, you have written a million drafts half) and you are overwhelmed. It is hard to keep everything organized and focus.
Does that sound familiar?
Then try CoSchedule. This will help you manage your editorial calendar and social network promotions all that in a single point, allowing you to navigate between different applications.
In addition, you can post your Facebook group directly from your Wordpress dashboard, and it shows how messages from social networks prevented him from finding your analysis in another application.
CoSchedule is another plugin paid, but it is a great time saver that leaves you feeling better organized and in place.
Down from the hamster bike blogging
Sometimes blogging feels like being on a hamster wheel.
They are busy all the time, but you are not fast.
I think it is because you spend time in some tasks, while of crucial importance, does not drive you.
So out of the Hamsterrad Bloggens. Automate boring things with these 13 Wordpress plugins so you get back on the important job: the work you thought you were about to start when you started a blog.
And observe your productivity increase.
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