What Does Personal Development Mean to You? ... - Oba Hold


Win Goals

Monday, 14 August 2017

What Does Personal Development Mean to You? ...

If you think of personal development, what comes to mind? The dictionary compares the personal development process personal change, growth, progress, development and improvement. This is an evolutionary process to personal excellence or exceptionally good condition. This is the opposite of the dissolution of mediocrity.

I invite you to look around. Tell me what you look like more, mediocrity or excellence? Now ask yourself: "What do I want to be mediocre or excellent?"

What are your expectations for personal development?

It is not really important what others expect from you. What really counts is what you expect from yourself. Personal development is, after all, a personal persecution. For some people such a prosecution simply is not worth the effort. It is good, because life is not competition.

Others, including myself, expect more from themselves. For people like us, the whole sense of the "school of life" is to learn to be the best version of themselves. It is not that we have achieved excellent achievements in the last sense actually. Rather, it is the continuous process of personal development and growth that we seek. This is the trip. Is this how you feel?

Are you on a question of personal development?

Are you constantly looking for ways to make subtle improvements in your life? When you discover a new way to improve your thinking or perception, are you ready to apply what you have learned? If you compare where you are today, were you there a year or two, can you see improvement?

In all likelihood, this is exactly the kind of person you are. Why should I say? Because you here. The only reason people read my articles or hire me is how a coach is because they have a progressive attitude towards their own personal development. But I have a question for you. What areas of your life would you like to focus on improving?

Focus on specific areas for improvement

There are several reasons why it is important to identify the specific areas of your life that you want to focus on improving. First, personal development has not happened by chance. To improve in a certain area of ​​your life, you must first identify this area.

The area of ​​personal development needs much territory. It is much easier to make remarkable progress by focusing your efforts on a few different areas. One key element for success is the focus that requires you to limit your efforts in these selected areas. As soon as you identify these areas and give them a special priority, you automatically become successful.

What personal development field is your top priority?
What personal development articles do you love?

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