Most 50 Top Secrets of a Happy Marriage - Oba Hold

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Monday, 14 August 2017

Most 50 Top Secrets of a Happy Marriage


Honesty, compromise - and at least two TVs in the house - have been named the most important secrets of a happy marriage, according to a study.

The researchers surveyed 2,000 happily married Britons and found out that besides the most famous advice, these couples also offer two cars, two toilets or bathrooms and at least one night a week of computers or tablets.

Commenced with friends and family on the other, without former partners on your Facebook friends list and a separate bank account are all in the top 50.

Happy couples also say that the confidence, reminder of birthdays and anniversaries, and say "I love you" regularly contribute to maintain a happy and harmonious relationship.

"Trust, compromise and honesty are usually the most important things looked at in a marriage, but for most people, that is not easy," said Andy Gibney, author of the book How To Seduce Your Woman (or someone else).

"In the modern world, marriages against a myriad of new technologies to survive, many couples rush at what we look at the TV, or one or both too much time on your computer, tablets or mobile phones.

"After a time of being married, it is easy to find that you are stuck in a furrow and you are not really interested, but I hope that some of these" secrets "will help your marriage take long and happy.

What are your secrets on a long and happy marriage? Please leave your comments in the following field.

Most 50 Top Secrets of a Happy Marriage

1. Trusting each other
2. The same sense of humor
3. Always be honest with each other
4. Remember, birthdays and anniversaries
5. Accept the mistakes of others
6. Compromise
7. Say "I love you" regularly
8. Know when to say unfortunately
9. Be able to laugh at each other
10. To have a similar attitude to life
11. Embraces / regular caresses
12. Always kiss good night
13. The occasional romantic gesture
14. Consider your partner as your best friend
15. Release parenting
16. Always kiss her in the morning
17. With leisure and common interests
18. Always talk about a problem rather than pack
19. Ask them about their day
20. Regular sex
21. With leisure and interests
22. Do you know when to give a little space,
23. Never go to sleep on an argument
24. Regular holidays / spa breaks
25. With goals and similar ambitions
26. After the argument or the odd inconsistency
27. Continue exerting look nice for your partner
28. In accordance with the family of the other
29. Decommissioned quality time for them
30. Hands holding when outdoors
31. Compliment regularly
32. Have your friends and shared friends
33. Two TVs in the house
34. First with friends from the others
35. Each car
36. Shaving / Care
37. Everyone has an equal proportion of reasons when you have children
38. Separate bank accounts
39. Have regular evenings with friends, without your partner
40. Gifts / Surprise gift
41. No friends with all ex partners on Facebook
42. To divide by turning the housework
43. Regular date nights
44. Two bathrooms / toilets
45. Do not be a person who grants the remote control
Similar working hours
47. Knowledge of the access code of the other to their mobile phone
48. A secret hiding-money that they do not know
49. Keep some private things (for example, do not go to the bathroom before each other)
50. One or two nights a week, where you do not use computers, laptops or mobile phones.

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