Questions Which you Must Answer as A blogger - Oba Hold

Win Goals

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Questions Which you Must Answer as A blogger

Questions Which you Must Answer As A blogger

You publish a great content that will keep you on SEO, and you are on social networks.

They are also in contact with other bloggers hoping to be behind them.

But your readership is still not where you want.

And your dream of working from home, achieving financial freedom and changing the world in the process seems to be by the day you write your first article.

So, what is the point?

The problem, even if you get visitors to your site, people have not subscribed to it.

And if they do not register, they do not return.

If this is the case, no matter how hard more traffic you work, the situation can not change.

Unless you change mentality.

So you need to start thinking about traffic and start focusing on something else.

Why traffic is a distraction, until you correct the basic problem
If your blog does not attract subscribers, focus on traffic is an amateur mistake. Is like pouring water in a leaky bucket.

Instead, you need to focus on how to transform your site visitors into subscribers.

But that is when you hit a mental barrier. Because all you've read about conversion optimization seems frightening and technical and requires an army of experts.

Do not worry - you can relax.

You do not need to configure a single "multivariate test" or "behavioral targeting rule" (or even an idea of ​​what these terms mean) to increase your participant lists more quickly.

Concentrate on three simple questions that visitors unconsciously ask when they arrive at an unknown website.

If you ask people can answer "yes" to these questions in the right order, they want to subscribe to a blog.

But also a "no" allows only visitors to leave - perhaps forever.

Most bloggers do not know what questions they need to answer. And that means conversion optimization becomes an impossible succession.

So you probably want to know the questions, is not it? 🙂

Let us go one by one.

Question 1: "Is it for me?

People automatically ask (often unconsciously) and answer this question within three seconds of landing on your site. This is not much time.

And an important part of deciding whether your blog is relevant to them is to solve what it is.

If people do not immediately understand what a blog is, click the "Back" button.

You have lots of sites to choose from, so why try to lose time to find you?

Then, if they understand what you have in your blog, they quickly decide if they consider relevant. If they think not so, would you guess what they do? It is true to leave them.

One might think that a part is simple. Right now, you might think, "It's very clear on my blog and of course the good people feel that it's relevant."

But in reality, most blogs do not reach or clarity and relevance they need.

The most common mistake that make bloggers is too vague.

Often, visitors can see the general blog topic (eg marketing or personal improvement), but they can not quickly determine what specifically speaks (eg, marketing for authors, personal improvement for married women).

For this reason, you should also be very careful when you choose your blog theme. If you have something specific enough to not choose, you have big problems because you do not know about the hundreds of similar blogs.

Take for example boost blog traffic. The name gives a clear idea of ​​the theme of the blog and deliver prominently at the top of the page "Writing a cheat sheet for blog posts that go live" is consistent with that.

Together, these elements are sufficient for visitors to immediately understand what the blog.

And if they are bloggers who want more traffic, the site should be very relevant.

Here are four things you can verify by making sure your blog meets the first question:

The name of your blog he helps people understand what it is? I'm not saying the name of your blog should always be related to what you do (I use my own name, "Peter Sandeen" does not really cries "marketing messages", "value propositions" or "optimization conversion"), But a descriptive name is useful. So if you always choose the name of your blog, choose an item that is uniquely linked to its topic to be at the top of the list.

The tagline of your blog clearly explains the topic? If not, change it. There is a time and place for catchy slogans that show only the theme, but these are rare exceptions. This is a wise choice to go with something clearly descriptive. For example, "Passion for Golf" is vague, but "Practical Tips for Golf Lovers" are fairly clear.

Your publications on the blog are they obviously related to the specific topic of your blog? Typically, when people read one of your posts, this should be clearly related to what your blog is as a whole. You might want to write the occasional comment that is not perfect to match the boundaries of the subject - but check if it is worth the confusion you create.

Other elements-they clarify your topic or are they confusing? For example, is it the content of your sidebar consistent with your topic, neutral or potentially confusing? The display advertising, for example, is often little relevant to the subject, so they tend to create confusion about the purpose of your blog.

You will simply have a clear motto (seriously, your artistic skills to save your messages) and you will have sent items that are uniquely chosen to fit the general theme of the blog you've chosen.

So if you want to write a political speech, but you publish on the health blog, plan your rant on Facebook for your friends, rather than publish.

When people understand what your blog is and feel that it is relevant to them, they move on to their next question.

Question 2: "Does this is valuable to me?"

After the first few seconds, just a blog, most readers begin paying attention to your content.

In particular, they seek content thinking that it is valuable enough to be worth their time with reading.

For example, if they have landed on a marketing blog, they can get a publication titled "How will social media use to grow your business." But if they already read dozens of similar publications, they do not add value Another A on the same theme.

That is why the coverage of certain topics that are rarely write others is smart. But the only innovation is for people like your content is not enough.

Here are some other ways to make your content compelling:

Provide more details than other bloggers. Give your readers a deeper understanding of the topic they get elsewhere. The rich details were almost always worth something more, which is why a thorough training usually costs more than a basic course. If the reader find that they need all the information they need, they do not feel the need to access another blog.

Focus on useful advice. The urge to stand up opinion and enjoyable news, and instead of plates, people have tangible results. Add steps to track readers and remember that even if something is easy for you, it will not be for others. The more the topic is abstract (eg "how to find your passion in life"), which is most important is that you can give people practical things to do. If your content is generating results likely to appear, it will appear more sensible.

Reviews of subscribers. The testimonials are only useful when you are trying to sell a product or service. They are also useful when you subscribe to the idea on how to subscribe to your blog. For example, if you have an option offering in the sidebar, put a witness in it by someone who found your gift or your precious gift. Also put testimonials on your site info - one of the most common places for readers to see if your blog is "evaluation".

Explain the benefits. Bloggers are often too modest about the value of their content. Do you clearly tell the visitors what they get from your salary? Did you tell them the results you can help them achieve? If not, you should read a list of the benefits of adding your blog to the sidebar. Seriously, this is the antidote against unnecessary notices ;-). Title: "What do you get from [the name of your blog]?" And place a bullet list underneath 3-5 with obvious benefits that people get.

Give people a reason to keep reading. For example, the opening section of this article has several advantages, the three questions that your visitors have to learn must answer "yes". Some of the benefits are direct promises, but only implicit benefits. For example, "dream of working from home" is mentioned as a goal, but the implication is that what you learn in this article will help you get closer to that goal.
So, are you ready for the last question?

Question 3: "Can I trust him?

People do not have automatically intentent blogs - or most other online content. And for a good reason.

Let us consider for a moment the general area where your blog is not yet complete. How many other blogs are in the same field? Probably thousands.

And how many of these blogs are written by leading experts? Maybe a few dozen. Some blogs are written by intelligent people with knowledge of their subjects, but many are written by people whose understanding of what they write.

So when people find a new blog, they ask if they can trust the author.

And in most cases they do not see any reason to trust the information, then leave it.

Here is a surprise - even the formal qualifications and experiences are not always sufficient to create confidence.

For example, countless marketing professionals with MBAs and "more than 10 years of experience" are struggling to grow their blogs. And it is in part because people do not believe enough. After all, how can you safely know that their claims are true?

The training and experience can be enough to ask you an interview, but when it comes to trusting online players, you need to focus on other factors.

Because once a visitor friendly Assenti has "Yes" on the first two questions, they begin to ask if they can trust you and your information.

They can be on your information header, but they can not. And if they do not feel able to trust when they navigate your website ready, they are left.

That is why your page info is not the only place where you can prove your credibility. Your full blog should claim your authority on your topic.

Here are some ways to ensure that people subscribe to trust in you:

Other expert statements on the subject. How much are you able to trust someone when other experts who are already familiar are ready to testify for them? One of the easiest ways to ensure that each page of your blog gives people a reason to trust you is to add changes to the sidebar.

Explain your experiences. Yes, formal education is not enough to trust people, but it does not hurt to know that you have worked as a doctor for 10 years if you like me to trust your medical advice. Put a description "about the author" in the sidebar or at the end of your messages, you can tell people why your experience means you can trust.

Help people understand your unique "method". Being knowledgeable about your topic is one thing, but if people can see you a separate method or underlying approach, too, this adds considerable credibility. It takes time to develop a robust and repeatable approach that works over and over again.

For example, in the financial arena, people want to understand the underlying method in which they entrust their money. It could be a specific strategy on the stock market, property "flipping", or a number of other methods to increase wealth. If you do not have a signature "method", try to come up with one. This not only creates trust, but also helps you create consistent content, focused on your unique approach.

Do you want to Radically more subscribers?

Hunting traffic is appealing.

But in reality, it's also a terrible distraction - at least until your blog allows visitors to subscribe.

What is hidden between you and a blog "optimized for conversion" is not a bunch of complex tools and tests, but three simple questions:

Is that relevant to me?
Is this really valuable to me?
Can I trust that?
Vow to make some simple changes so that your visitors can easily answer "yes" to these three questions.

Do it and you will see tremendous increases in the number of people subscribing, even if all you did was make some adjustments.

It only takes a few seconds to change slogan. Fewer minutes to add an endorsement to your sidebar.

But even a small change can have a huge effect.

And the sooner you start, the sooner your dreams begin to come true.

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