How To Make Your Relationships Reveal Your Beliefs - Oba Hold


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Monday, 14 August 2017

How To Make Your Relationships Reveal Your Beliefs

What do you see when you look at the world around you? What do you see when you look at the people around you? We all see the things we've pulled, and what we want to do it all, is not it?

How do you think your perspective is real? If we could all be completely objective, we all things in the same way verions, is not it? But we do not! We see things differently because we are all different. Much of what we see in the people around us and the world in general reflects our beliefs about themselves.

Life is a mirror

If you are around a person who leaves you frustrated, nervous, confused, suspicious, nervous or uncomfortable in any way, Very often part of what you see, a reflection of a hidden conviction is that you look at you, you are not very comfortable. If you conceal hidden fears and uncertainties, and what someone else says or does, it is to empower people, you will feel uncomfortable. It will be an unpleasant relationship.

Similarly, if you are around people who encourage you to feel loved and appreciated, part of what you feel is a reflection of your own belief that you deserve to be loved and appreciated. In this case, the people around you reinforce a conducive belief about yourself. So you are naturally attracted to these people and want to have a closer relationship with them.

What do you gain in your life?

This type of attraction works in both directions. Other people will be attracted to you if you tend to reflect their own self-beliefs about themselves. However, if something that you remember about their own fears and insecurities, they will not be around you.

There are many things to learn from it. By studying our response to our relationships and the response of others to us, we can work out the possible restrictive beliefs on which we must work. Once we realize that what we think of them is revealed by the quality of our relationships, it puts us in an excellent position to react to any belief that we are not particularly happy with.

Honesty is required!

Of course, everything seems to be well in theory, but brutally honest with them themselves, especially with regard to certain, limited belief, may be a little unpleasant. Our ego wants to resist the fact that all that is unpleasant is actually a reflection of a negative belief from our side. It is much easier to get our complaints to someone else too. It is there that resistance resists.

For who wants us, that this annoying person thinks that we have just met, is somehow a reflection of an inner uncertainty? Who wants us to think that we are somehow responsible for the friction that exists in our relationships? Really, who wants us to think of something negative about ourselves?

To be honest, we need to be balanced

Balance means that we must be able to recognize what signals we reflect in our relationships and reveal limiting beliefs and those who have nothing to do with us. When we treat our partners with love and compassion, and we see that someone abusing it, we do not love each other.

This does not mean that we have hidden an abusive tendency in us. On the contrary, this probably means that we believe that everyone deserves to be treated with a certain respect. So all that feels negative is a reflection of a belief belief. To think it was really unbalanced. Come, some things are not so bad, no matter what you believe.

Do you like what you see in your relationships?

This can be a difficult concept to take into account because it means that we accept the responsibility for our own perception of reality. We must be open to the idea that our beliefs determine our perception and our relationships reveal these beliefs.

Let us examine some specific and hidden beliefs that might reveal our relationship. None of this is to hurt the feelings of someone. In fact, it is designed to do just the opposite. If we have negative or limiting beliefs about ourselves, chances are pretty good that we already suffer because of it. We can not work on a problem until we realize there is a problem. The first step is awareness.

3 scenarios that reveal the limitations of beliefs about relationships

1) The limiting beliefs. Many people are constantly attracted to the people who reinforce their beliefs. If you believe that it is not deserved to be loved, you will be attracted by people incapable of loving you. They will also be attracted by you. No matter how you try, these relationships are never deeply satisfying. You will only strengthen your limiting belief that you will not be loved you deserve.

2) feeling unworthy. Low self-esteem leads to feelings of worthlessness. When we feel unworthy of being respectful of one another in our relationships, we are attracted to people, the respect does not have the ability to show. They will also be attracted to us. Perhaps it is not really obvious at first but our radar can feel the signs and attract us. In this case, the familiarity is likely to increase contempt and conviction that we have strengthened unworthy aspects.

3) pessimistic. If we believe that people are basically evil, how does it affect our choices in relationships? We will probably find someone on whom we are attracted to another level and then apologize for their lack of kindness. When finally unselfishness is for us, our limited faith will be strengthened and we will be hurt feelings to prove it.

Conscience is the way to freedom

The three scenarios lead to painful and unsatisfactory relationships. None of us wants, that is our reality. So how can we avoid playing in these cases? Once we consciously take it, our belief that create unpleasant experiences in our relationships, we have taken the first step into freedom. Then we can take decisive action to dismantle these limiting beliefs.

When limiting beliefs are replaced with self-confidence, it changes the kind of people we are attracted to and the kind of people attracted to us. This changes the whole dynamic of our relationship. We begin to build relationships with people that strengthen our positive beliefs about ourselves. This will completely change what we take in a relationship, and this in turn will change the way we experience our relationships.

Take the next step and you will be amazed

Our reality is the manifestation of our faith. If we do not like our present reality, all we have to do to change our beliefs and we will have a new reality. If you want to do is the easiest way to get over my home study: find your true self. I will go step by step and guarantee results.

Ultimately, you deserve to be loved and treated with kindness. They are deserved respect and consideration. And you can create satisfying relationships with people who want to strengthen their self-confidence. What you believe you can achieve!

Do you find yourself easy or difficult to do with restrictive beliefs?

Do you feel that this gives you an overview of your relationships?

Does it make it easier to take responsibility or to blame?

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