How to Turn Your Website Into An Audience Choice - Oba Hold

Win Goals

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

How to Turn Your Website Into An Audience Choice

Let's be honest ...

We were all deceived.

Once upon a time, we looked at the blogs and thought, "Oh, I can do it. Writing some publications a week? Piece of cake. "From the outside it looks so simple, so simple, so much fun, and we hurried to start a blog.

But then we have an evil awakening:

These things are complicated. Blogging does not concern so much the writing of publications on the blog dozens of small chances and at the end of all the important juggling, all your attention, and all require that you learn something.

And it's easy to let the ball drop, so to speak, or even all. Not because you want to neglect everything but because it keeps too much trace.

What you really need is a checklist - a detailed breakdown of everything you need to do to make a blog and blind your readers. This way, you can stop trying to manage everything at once and go through it one step at a time.

So is what I created for you. Here are 58 things you need to do, and some links to help you learn to do them well.

Enjoy. 🙂

The Basics

1. Go to Wordpress yourself hosted if you do not have it yet. Yes, you can create a popular blog on or, but there are many reasons to move a blog to your own host, more control, including and more professional. (Note to Jon: For Beginners Blogger, I Recommend Siteground (Affiliate Link) If your blog already gains some traction, Synthesis is a good option bonus ..)

2. Are you in the right niche? If you do it too narrow, you will struggle to build a large audience. Make it too far, and you will fight to stand out.

3. Put your slogan. Your slogan should tell your readers that the blog is designed, what they offer, and what makes it special (think of an all-key feature - USP). Clear is always better than smart.

4. Configure Akismet. It is a plug-in that helps you eliminate feedback on spam. Most hosts include the default, but you still need to configure and operate.

5. Schedule regular backups. You can never know if your blog could be hacked, and the best defense plans to use regular backups a plugin like BackWPup.

6. Create an ideal player profile. If you know who your target audience and write all the publications, these results will significantly improve!

7. Develop a basic editorial calendar. Write down the type of messages (list, interview, output of players personnel, epic, etc.) and fill the publication of ideas. It's easy enough to do, and it keeps your content regular and flowing.

Improving The Ease Of Use Of Your Blog

8. Perform a design without incidents. Nothing takes your readers faster than by a crowded feeling of tacky or spam. Make a good first impression with stunning design, clean and professional and instantly improve your confidence in your website.

9. Link to the archives. We all would like to believe that our readers scrutinize the archive of our blog, but the reality is that they do not. You must remember them. In any new release, try to bind at least three or four old messages by sending your reader time the best work to play.

10. Display a list of your most popular publications. Present your best work and impress the visitors the first time.

11. Position the application form in the best position. People often hide their application form and complain that no one falls. It is very easy for people to find the registration form. In the upper right corner of the sidebar or directly above your main navigation bar you will find two good places to find.

12. Create a contact page. Once you start getting traffic, you will want to contact some of your readers then contact you with a contact page and create a plugin like Contact Form 7 you can easily use to connect.

13. Display your social media profiles. Encourage visitors to log in to social networks. This creates trust and deepens the connection.

 14. Perfect to your site about me. It is the most visited page of your blog after your page. It also has the longest shelf life. It's really worth investigating how others have done, and make sure that your is as professional as possible. You certainly do not want people to jump on this site. You must subscribe to the updates on the spot.

15. With clear guidelines for guests to be displayed. If you want to attract quality publications to other bloggers, see a section with detailed instructions on the requirements and procedures.

16. Add a registration form after each release. Remind your readers that they must register to receive your latest updates and special offers. People are distracted. They have a lot of sense. If you do not remember them registering and it's very easy to make them do not.

Integrate Social Media

17. Display Social Sharing Buttons. Again ... If you people your work is not recommended to simplify things or to share the chances are absolutely zero they will. Make them very easy to participate in.

18. Focus and lead a social platform. Instead of trying to be anywhere, trying to make a good one. The excellent results in a social network are poor results in five.

19. Calendar actions for your own publications. Sign up for a free Hootsuite account and pre-arranged tweets or Facebook updates.

About your content ...

20. Maintain a file of ideas. Always be inspired to write new ideas. And have a place where you can save them later easily. Use Evernote as a catch-all online writing ideas.

21. Maintain an acceptable frequency of publication. Ask every day a stupid strategy and you should follow the 80-20 rule. Spend 20% of your time creating content and 80% discount.

22. Conduct of investigations. At one time or another, you will be beaten by the writer's block. Ask your audience what they want to read. You can surprise yourself.

23. Learning from the best. I do not care what someone says, content is still king. Make sure your content does not suck. Otherwise, your subscriber account can be blocked on a single figure - indefinitely.

24. Emphasize your title writing skills. You must make your curiosity public, and you should always specify the benefit of reading the message. They think about the future readers and subscribers: I've read it now!

25. Start publishing with a convincing performance. Draw your readers in the rest of the publication. Get them from one set to another, surfing your message. If people do not even read, other good services come.

26. Make your friendly signs. Take a step back and see how your writing sounds like - visually. Enough by adding subtitles, enumeration elements, numbered lists, images, and lots of space. Make it easy on your eyes.

27. Incorporate effective communication principles in your letter. Clarity, brevity and connection that they make the world.

28. Show your personality. Develop your personal writing voice. Dare to be a little different. Do not try to look like everyone else. This will help you get less boring.

29. Tell stories. Fascinate your audience immediately.

30. Add a call to action for each item. What do you want your readers to do? Give it a powerful end. When you inspire people to take action, they will see the results, and you will be encouraged to love.

31. Create a link bait. Give the people reasons a link to you ... epic items. Many messages from the list. Interviews. Magazines and other bloggers (people!). A successful link-matching link can bring you the traffic and subscribers for years.

32. SEO-friendly content. Write for the first people, and she will ensure that your content is good for search engines. To earn.

33. in the community. The goal is to increase the number of comments on your posts when you write.

34. Have fun with content syndication. Provide your content to various content syndication sites such as Alltop. These sites can be large sources targeted and dedicated readers.

Form strong bonds

36. Follow the blogs in your niche. Your blog is not an island. You can not do it alone. You must find your tribe to join. Find your people or stay invisible.

37. Comment on other bloggers publications. Be strategic about it. Be smart. You know what you want to draw your efforts. If you only said traffic, you are in the bedroom. The quality connections are just as important.

38. On the A list, go to Blogger E-mail. Keep it short and tell them why you appreciate their work. Ask how you can help (not vice versa).

39. Follow them on social networks. Glob.

40. Link to them. Moron!

41. Interviews with them. Ask them to answer a few questions on a topic, they are passionate. At some advocates employed, it is difficult to say no.

42. Make a guest publication. Only after a significant connection with them have developed and know their blog and intimately their audience. Give them a good idea. But be sure to do your homework first.

43. Ask them to share a posting posted on their own blog. Only afterwards your guest contribution worked well, or you invited several times. It is only when your phone is your best work and really resonates with the audience. There are no exceptions.

44. Create your e-mail list. First, draw the right visitors to your blog. Then test them with your know-how, your knowledge and your generosity, and you know what? You will register.

45. Offer an incentive to subscribe. Give new subscribers free access to an e-book or report that they can not reject. Make it super useful. Make a killer it. Give them something they want to read (not something you think they should read).

46. ​​Make consultations. The best way to find out what your readers want to buy is to go to the phone and make good advice on the former. Listen to their problems and try different solutions. Soon you will find a common problem and a solution that seems to work for everyone. That is when you know that you have an idea of ​​promising product.

47. Create a rent me main page. They are a business operate, so start acting like you are. Add me a page for everyone to see. Do not be shy about it. Use your blog to build your business.

48. Seeing and witnessing. Backup what you provide through positive feedback from past and present customers.

49. Be careful with advertising. Displays only ads on your blog if the income is too good to refuse. If you do, keep them relevant ads to your audience.

50. Consider Affiliate Marketing. If you have reached the point where you have a substantial list, it would be logical to recommend high quality products that solve some of the audience's problems.

51. Venture your own products and implement the continuity programs. Multiple streams of income ... The name of the game.

Develop a setting for success

52. Finding mentors. Even the self-confessed, who have no idea that they have done this role work well.

53. Invest in your company online education. Coaching, courses, trainings, events, e-books - whatever suits you. This will continue to do so.

54. The strategies for change - change. It is good to change things in your growth. Your blog is not static. It is constantly evolving as you are.

55. Be stubborn - and consistent. You have no choice.

56. Celebrate your victories. Some like Facebook. A few Retweets. A comment here and there. An invitation invited by a popular blogger. 70 participants in one day an e-mail. Paid orders. Its completely empty ... you get the drift. Celebrate your positive moments that motivate you.

57. Thanks to your lawyers and your fans. They are here today because of them. Remember that.

58. Have fun! Be memorable.

And this is a packaging!

I know it's a long, long list, but it's also a bit like a silver stripe at the end of the rainbow sky here. The good news?

You do not have to juggle forever
Yes, blogging is hard work. Yes, it is complicated. Yes, it is overwhelming.

But it will be easier.

If you check the above items, you will be slow to do less and less. One after the other, you develop the airballs and will lay them down forever.

Of course, there are some types of tasks, such as creating a great content and creating solid connections to create you ever do, but you can check in this list if at least half of the items and for all, never worry about yet. Or at least not for a while.

And the best thing about it?

You now have links to all the resources you need to get you to do it. So, at work, this baby starts reviewing and 2013 when you become a superstar blogger!

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