It is amazing how something new can become a routine. We start a new job, make a new friend or learn a new skill, and two weeks later, it's just part of our life. Have you ever wondered how quickly the feeling of novelty can crumble?
When you buy a new car, how often do you wash and you just admire the design? What about six months later is there still the same attention? You know what I mean? We get used to things very quickly. This is how adaptability works. But there are areas of life where this feeling of novelty can really hold to add to our quality of life, especially in a relationship.
Is there a disadvantage to be so adaptive?
The adaptability of the problem is that once the novelty disappears, it's really easy to take things to start (and people) for granted. This brilliant new car that we thought will be the model of last year. This exciting new job will be the currency. And if we do not pay attention, this amazing new relationship starts to understand less than it deserves.
Sure, we all like to believe "it will not happen", especially when it comes to this particular relationship. But it happened, and we all saw that this has happened. Maybe this happened to you! Where does the old saying come from: "I never thought what I had until I lost it" realized that it was the importance of the relationship, but it was too later.
Keep novelty in your relationship!
What does it allow us to continue to enjoy a relationship, even after the novelty? Really, this leads to two important things: gratitude and FOCUS. And the secret here is to get the other feeds. If you focus on the wonderful features of someone, then you can not thank away with you for your life. And if you are grateful, take the time to focus on their wonderful features. See how it works?
Just so you know it also works in the other direction, so be careful. The more you focus on someone's imperfections, the more you will complain and the less recognition you feel. So if you want to keep your relationship alive with the feeling of appreciation and gratitude, focus on the good and avoid looking for errors. In reality, we all have many errors and we appreciate it when others do not light on our own.
Look at your own level of appreciation of the relationship
Are there important aspects of your life that will not get the level of appreciation they deserve? We could ask this question about people or things. Although the concept also applies to two, I am currently focused on people. For some reason, our estimation can hide from the intimate familiar, easy, familiarity at home.
Here are 5 strategies that you can use to avoid the tendency to keep a relationship to yourself for granted.
1. Remember. They are in this respect for one or more reasons. Do you remember what qualities you primarily attracted? How often do you take time to appreciate these particular qualities? Remember how this person is part of your life, you can help your appreciation keep them alive and healthy.
2. Remembrance. How do you think about how your relationship is special, why not mention it? Not only your partner will appreciate your expressions, but verbalizing your positive feelings will also serve to strengthen your heart. Our nervous system takes many of his cues words that come from his own mouth.
3. Message. You always notice the many ways to manifest these special qualities? It is quite possible to remember what attracted you to that person, and still do not keep their current expressions of these same qualities. Living at the moment helps us to see how valuable relationship for us really is. Value estimation is a real-time activity.
4. Answer. We respond with satisfaction through personal interaction. If someone is interested in doing something to you, do you feel your approval? Your answer will it send a clear message of approval and recognition? Whether it is a smile, a comment or appreciated a hand, nourishes the relationship with positive feedback and other signs of approval.
5. Attitude. Do you have the attitude of gratitude for the special people in your life? Is he under your blessing? If so, the four above steps will come easily and of course to you. However, if there is a fight for you, try to spend a little time every day to think about how you are grateful to have that relationship in your life and why. Never underestimate the power of gratitude.
In a relationship concerns, novelty of perception
Familiarity does not need to reduce our level of astonishment and the appreciation. My wife and I have been together almost 26 years, and I am always impressed by the incredible incentive. In my heart, the feeling of novelty is still alive because I can never get used to that I am in that relationship with such a wonderful and amazing person.
We can maintain all this kind of relational appreciation. The 5 above strategies application will help to keep new things while the tendency to avoid anything or anything as self-evident.
The revaluation has decreased your relationship over time?
Your relationship would improve it through the following 5 tips?
The lines are open!
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