Redeem iTunes and Apple Music Gift Cards with the camera on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac - Oba Hold

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Sunday, 3 September 2017

Redeem iTunes and Apple Music Gift Cards with the camera on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac

You can utilize the camera on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Macintosh to recover iTunes and Mac Music Gift vouchers in the iTunes Store, iBooks Store, or Application Store. 

Before You Redeem 

Ensure that you're in a sufficiently bright room and have a Web association. Just gift vouchers with a concentration box around the recovery code can be reclaimed utilizing a camera. 

This component isn't accessible in all nations or districts. 

Redeem Your Gift Card

iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch 

Tap iTunes Store, iBooks, or Application Store. In iBooks, at that point tap the Included tab at the base of the screen. 

Look to the base of the store and tap Redeem..

Sign in with the Apple ID that you use for iTunes Store buys or your Apple Music enrollment. 

Tap Utilize Camera. You can likewise reclaim your code physically. 

Peel off the mark on the back of your gift voucher. 

Hold the back of the card (the agree with the dark concentration box) up to your camera. 

The camera peruses and reclaims the code. Your iTunes Store adjust shows up onscreen, or you're made a request to apply the credit toward an Apple Music Singular Enrollment. 

In the upper-right corner, tap Done. 


Open iTunes, iBooks, or the Application Store. 

iTunes: Snap iTunes Store. Under Fast Connections on the correct side, click Recover. 

iBooks: In the upper-left corner, click iBooks Store. At that point, under Snappy Connections on the correct side, click Reclaim. 

Application Store: Under Fast Connections on the correct side, click Reclaim. 

Click Use Camera

Sign in with the Apple ID that you use for iTunes Store buys or your Apple Music participation. 

Snap Utilize Camera. 

Peel off the mark on the back of your gift voucher. 

Hold the back of the card (the agree with the dark concentration box) up to your FaceTime camera. 

Your Ma peruses and recovers the code. Your iTunes Store adjust shows up onscreen, or you're made a request to apply the credit toward an Apple Music Singular Enrollment. 

Snap Done. 

Get more offer assistance 

In the event that the room isn't lit alright, your gift voucher won't not be lucid. 

Totally peel off the covering that shrouds the blessing code to enhance clarity. 

In the event that your camera has issues perusing the code, you can sort in your iTunes or Apple Music Gift voucher code physically. 

A mistake message will show up on the off chance that you attempt to recover an iTunes or Apple Music Gift voucher that is as of now been utilized. 

Contact Apple Support on the off chance that you see a message that your gift voucher hasn't been appropriately initiated.

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