4 Signs Your Date isn’t Actually Looking for a Relationship - Oba Hold


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Wednesday 11 October 2017

4 Signs Your Date isn’t Actually Looking for a Relationship

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Someone tells you that he or she is looking for a relationship is not the same as really and really want. Everyone can pronounce the right words, but words are often not accompanied by behavior. At the end of the day no matter what your date says to want a relationship; What counts is their behavior. If the relationship is working, this person will stay informed about the projects, be honest with you, and constantly strive to spend time with you. Let us first check what it means when someone says he wants to have a relationship, but he does not really look for a relationship.

Two possible scenarios:

A. Your date knows that they do not want a relationship, but they say they do it anyway.

These people, who are aware of the fact that they do not want a solid relationship, but nevertheless say that they are lying. They lie because they want to feel "normal" and feel they have a relationship; they need attention or do not want to be alone; or they are narcissists who like to see how many conquests they can charm and capture.

B. Your date is not aware of yourself and is not aware that she says she wants a relationship, but she really does not want it.

The men and women in this scenario are separated from their feelings. They deny their true thoughts and feelings, and they have convictions about relationships that they do not even know. These men and women go through the movements and try to go, but they enter into relationships and later recognize that they are with the wrong type of person; they feel bored or annoyed; and they feel misunderstood. Unfortunately, these men and women do not have enough self-awareness to know how reluctant they are to calm down and get involved. They go through the movements, feel unhappy and dissatisfied, but do not know why.

The signs that someone really does not want to have a fixed relationship: Please note that I will use male and female examples of these behaviors interchangeably because men and women have been guilty of a similar unhealthy relationship.

He says he will call one day, but the call never comes when he is promised.

This behavior is one of the most revealing signs that you have met someone who does not want to have a relationship with someone or do not want to be with you. Which case applies to your situation does not matter because you will not have a successful relationship with that person. (Check the reality: time to fix your look at someone else). If someone knows you and feels as if you could have a good relationship, he should take this opportunity by appealing and keeping promises to contact you if he so wishes.

It resists kisses or other physical games.

Perhaps the woman you see looks like she loves you and says all the good things, but if she fights to touch you or have any physical contact with you, she is probably not in a real relationship to you interested.

He seems to prefer hanging around with his group of friends instead of hanging around with you alone.

When a man is ready to cultivate a relationship, he will also be willing to give up some of his former social life with his friends. Caution: I do not suggest that a person stops seeing friends when they find a relationship, but I say that a relationship does not normally work if the person with whom you want to settle down prefer Saturday nights with her friends and then a brunch with mimosas the next morning with the same group.

It seems nervous or hesitant when you talk about things you could do together.

To talk too early in the dating of the future - "We have to do it together, we have to do it" - is not healthy, because you should not force a relationship, but a future conversation is natural. In the first few weeks of the meeting, it is normal to suggest one or two things that you want to do together in the future. But if you suggest something and make them nervous or hesitant, it is a sign that this person is scared anxiously that you are expecting something from them. Be careful, because these men and women often feel nervous and in conflict with their habits, and they often have a dysfunctional standard pattern in which they feel easily caught.

How to tell the difference between someone who wants a relationship and someone who doesn’t

Someone who wants a relationship is straightforward about wanting to get to know you; he calls when he says he will; she makes plans and keeps them; he introduces you to family or good friends; and she is physically affectionate. Someone who doesn’t truly want a relationship gets nervous when talking about the future; they say one thing but then do something that contradicts that; they put off making plans; they resist spending alone time where the two of you could be physically affectionate; and they either have a past relationship that still haunts them or they aren’t sure they really want to settle down at this point in their life.

As you get to know someone, trust your instincts and you will see the signs about whether your date wants a relationship or doesn’t as long as you pay close attention to the behavior – not their words.

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