How to Know When a Guy Has Stopped Caring for You - Oba Hold


Win Goals

Monday 9 October 2017

How to Know When a Guy Has Stopped Caring for You

When you start thinking that your friend is no longer taking care of you, you are probably afraid that your relationship will end. Ignoring the problem does not affect your situation, and this will probably aggravate things. You also do not want to understand your friend and make assumptions that are not accurate. Some signs are easy to recognize, as if your friend stops calling you work - when he called all the time. Other characters are more subtle.

See how often your friend moves with his friends. 

While it is healthy for both partners to spend time with their male or female friends, when your friend suddenly spends more time with them and spends much less time with you, this could be an indication of a problem more important.

See how long your friend spends online. 

Social networking sites can take the place of your relationship when things go on in a romance ... If your friend spends more time online than he is, he risks losing interest.

Look at their mood swings. 

If your friend's feelings change for you, he may have severe mood swings. For a minute, he may be happy, and the next may become angry or miserable. This may indicate an inner struggle he has with his changing emotions.

Contact your friend if you have a hard time and need assistance. 

If he does not seem angry and you are not here to support you, this may indicate that he is no longer concerned with your relationship and relationship. If your friend does not support you, your friend talks to you, ignores you or feels annoyed that he needs his attention, he may have stopped taking care of you.

Think of your sex life and how it progresses or slows down. 

If he shows less interest in the physical aspects of your relationship, it is a sign that he turns away from you.

Talk to your friend about your concerns. 

Let him know how you feel by his actions and listen to his answer. It is possible that something else happens outside of your relationship, which leads to it withdrawing. If he says he is still busy, ask the couples to improve their relationship.

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