Instagram injects 2X bigger Stories previews mid-feed - Oba Hold

Win Goals

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Instagram injects 2X bigger Stories previews mid-feed


Instagram Stories are doing so well, the app wants to make sure they do not scroll through their Snapchat clone. Instagram confirms TechCrunch has redesigned its Stories mid-stream re-engagement box to display slideshow preview thumbnails of people twice the size of the stories bar at the top of the stream. The box appears halfway between the traditional fixed posts.

For now, Instagram says it's not intended to replace those smaller bars that you see above the stream with the larger design. But the interruption of the river for people to look at stories shows how short-lived and full-screen sharing is crucial to the future of Instagram.

Social media pioneer Chris Messina discovered the new design of the weekend and asked us to ask Instagram what's going on. A company spokesperson said, "We've recently updated the story bar theme by flipping through the feed, which makes it easier to preview the stories of people and accounts that interest you."

The design resembles the original layout of Facebook's Facebook own Messenger Day product before moving to a less obtrusive version that uses round bubbles with smaller previews like Facebook Stories.

Instagram now has two different changes so you can view a story. First, it shows the profile pictures of friends in small circles above when you open the app. This leaves enough space for the application to simultaneously display the Stories bar and a square square below it before you start scrolling. Then, in the middle, he uses preview thumbnails to open up the stories you missed, in case people who recorded them are more flashy than their faces.
Instagram Stories has 250 million daily users, more than the entire Snapchat app. Fast feature launches, sleek design quality, fast loading and a combination with the already addictive Instagram feed have made Stories a massive win for an app with over 800 million monthly users.

Snapchat has refused to offer some kind of algorithmic sorting like Instagram Stories, instead showing it the recently added stories instead of those of your best friends. And with cloned stories selling slowly as users grow as augmented reality filters turn into table problems, Snapchat will need serious innovation to keep the competition against Instagram.

SnapMap, AR art, and 3D characters like his hot dog dancing may not be enough. Snapchat will require a radically new function or a fundamental redefinition of some of its key product philosophies, such as chronological sorting to gain ground. And even then, Instagram will wait to copy and refine what pioneers Evan Spiegel.

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