This Is What Is Happening To TSTV – Illegal Pirating Of Bein Content - Oba Hold


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Wednesday, 4 October 2017

This Is What Is Happening To TSTV – Illegal Pirating Of Bein Content

We are all waiting for the TStv decoder to be available for dispatch to various dealers… though we don’t really know what is causing the delay but this is what has been happening with TStv in the past few hours.

Some individuals went to compose a letter on-behalf of beIN to TStv for intellectual property infringement. This is the letter below; Zoom the image or read the content directly


Dear Sir,

I am writing on behalf of beIN – a global sports and entertainment group, headquartered in Qatar.

As you would be aware, beIN provides a subscription television service to more than 50 million customers worldwide.

beIN’s broadcast territories include the middle East & North Africa, France, united States and Canada, South East Asia, Australia & New Zealand.

beINis the exclusive license of the broadcast rights to many of the world’s major international sporting leagues and other entertainment content in our various territories. We also produce and own the copyright in our content. (Together, “beIN Content”)

beINinvests substantial sums in acquiring those rights , which are highly valuable. Other parties are not permitted to copy and re-broadcast beIN Content without express authorization.

beINis also the owner of trademark and other rights in the name “beIN” and associated branding (“beIN Trademarks”). Other parties are not permitted to use beIN Trademarks without express authorization.

Intellectual Property Infringement by TStv

We have become aware that your company TStv intends to launch a pay television service to subscribers in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa generally.

Information about this service is contained on the website at

the below image was taken from your website, which indicates that you intend to make beIN channels available.

Though, TStv has issued a disclaimer against the documents that it is frivolous. The letter above doesn’t look like it was from beIN. Why are we like this for God sake? Or is this plan orchestrated by Dstv or TStv village people?

Before you draw any conclusion, wait for the release of the decoder, test all the channels and if they default, you can then use the social media+rant power.

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