Did Your Analytical Mind did He Take Tour Life? - Oba Hold

Win Goals

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Did Your Analytical Mind did He Take Tour Life?


The ability to think is an amazing gift and it allows us to do wonderful things. The human mind is the greatest problem solver on the planet, and he is anxious to provide the answer to every question and solution to any challenge.

The mind and the thought of life

Once you have your mind with a question, analyze and calculate. It combats your intellectual files in the search for relevant information. He quickly decided to create similarities and models as it created an almost instant resource connected data. How wonderful the human mind.

We can think of this amazing ability of our mind to use something you. Every time we make plans for the day, week or year, our mind goes in analytical mode. As we look at past performance, our mind becomes an efficiency expert who is looking for ways to make improvements. Our mind is a tireless servant, chomping at the bit, ready to meet every challenge we can give it.

The experimental side of life

It is another wonderful ability that we must bear in mind that this also contributes to an amazing life. It is the ability to experience life through our five senses. As a mind, the senses also gather information and give it to our nervous system, but this takes place on a whole different level, and then a pure mental analysis. This is another kind of intelligence.

In fact, when our senses are fully occupied, the thinking side of our mind often stands. This is what allows us to enjoy the full experience at the moment. If you feel that perfect rose stop, or you leave a cold shadow in the warm embrace of the sun, what happens? Have you analyzed it in your head, or have you experienced?

When the mind and sense organs leave completely

There are rare cases in which the overall performance of our analytical mind and our sense experience unite at the moment. This usually happens with a large dose of adrenaline. Have you ever turned into an emergency situation in which all movement to slow down, and all the senses were hyper-alert, while your mind count all the details?

One such opportunity that has occurred throughout the country on a rugged mountain in a paragliding race stands out for me. I had to make an emergency landing in a completely unacceptable light spot deep in the forest. The whole event probably lasted about 30 seconds, but it seemed to me in the world all the time. My high vigilance turned these seconds into a slow-motion, and I was fully aware every moment. As I said, these opportunities are few and adrenaline usually plays a big role.

The analytical mind over physical sense

Mostly, our mind tends to move away or minimize the sensory input. This is because our senses give us information at the moment when our mind likes to operate outside of time in an abstract time loop. We can solve so many problems that reflection supports our conscience, and we lose our feeling for the here and now. Sometimes this type of concentration will use us, but sometimes it takes us from the experience of life.

The mind is a tyrant and may be responsible. Make space in our life to enjoy the experience of life at the moment, means to learn to control the out-of-control process of reflection and enable sensory feedback to have common sense of justice for our lives. We must learn to stop and smell the roses when our minds are occupied or not.

Ways to balance

There are two approaches that monsters and mental awareness temporarily gives our other senses to conquer. These two approaches are located at opposite ends of the spectrum. Between these two extremes, there are a variety of useful activities that allow a greater sense of balance.

Looking at the range of possibilities, bear in mind that what we are looking for here is a balance. We create this balance by taking some time regularly so as to take a back seat in the sense while we feel sensory input will allow us to be more busy at the moment. Consider the two primary but opposing approaches.

1) Ramp for sensory stimulation

With this approach, we engage in every activity that generates massive sensory stimuli. This literally would force the analytic mind of the image by replacing it with stronger neurological signals. Some examples of this are any form of physical activity or strenuous exercise that you can not do on Autopilot.

Some that come to mind are body surfing, lifting, circuit training, aerobics, a massage and sex. These types of activities require us to be "at the moment", and they are mainly related to physical readiness. They are defined by a sensory participation and therefore we must necessarily participate in real time.

2) Quiet the mind

This approach is exactly the opposite of the last. Instead of sensory stimulation with intimidation of the brain fall, we demand a quiet winter sleep. Of course, this requires that we carefully learn the control of the process of reflection and define. This can be more difficult since it seems as the analytical mind take advantage of the lack of sensory input to try to do what he loves to do - THINK!

People use a variety of techniques to achieve the goal of a peaceful mind. All common forms of meditation and controlled breathing share this goal. Anything that can mesmerize us as soothing music or sounds from nature, a bonfire or fireplace, also helps to soothe the mind. In addition, there are specifically skills such as Sedona method or the publication technique designed with a mental timing primary goal.

We should also recognize that millions of people are also using drugs and / or alcohol to cope with no real effort from them thinking process. In addition, there are new technologies that use most highly specialized rhythmic patterns to do most of the work to control the frequency of brain waves like binaural beats.

Develop your five senses + 1

The balance between intense sensory stimulation and a quiet mind is where we spend most of our time. The area is filled with a wide range of practical steps that we can use daily to keep our mental health. A good starting point is to train your senses throughout the day. For example:

Taste. If you eat a meal or a pleasure, take smaller bites and discover completely the aromas. If you like chocolate, enjoy a small room because it melts in unhealthy amounts instead of chomper in the mouth. Turn into an exercise in slowed down culinary enjoyment and experimenting with your taste buds.

Odor. This is often an important factor in the enjoyment of food, but it is also just as a sensual pleasure. As the saying goes, take the time to smell the roses. Do not just sniff quickly, but drink all the amazing flavors that can bring a wonderful dimension into your life.

Touch. When you close your eyes and you see, with your hands and fingers, how do you discover? You are probably not quite aware of this incredible gift. What is the beauty of the world of touch. Much of our emotional balance is with the human touch. The next time you touch someone or anything, let yourself feel the experience without thinking.

Sound. Many people like to close their eyes and listen to really nice music or the sound of the waves crashing on the beach. When we really hear, the sound has the ability to soothe our whole being. If it is appropriate to take the opportunity to surround yourself with soothing sounds, then you will let you devour and run away from the analytical noise.

View. Our eyes are the direct sensory way of our mind. Therefore, we should have a point to meet the beautiful prospect wherever possible. Do you consider a beautiful sunset to live in all its splendor? You are amazed by the splendor of nature? If you put before your eyes that mentally calms your mind, you would. As a result, your life will feel much more balanced and quieter.

Laugh. It is a wonderful, happy and sensual experience that has many advantages. Laughter brings our whole being and it takes place at the moment. There is no reason to analyze them (ha ha!) It only does as often as possible.

Balance is the goal

A life rich in experience and wisdom is one that has found a balance between thought and experience. Both are valuable and both make a strong contribution to quality and joie de vivre. In the age of information overload and mental bombardment, it is important that we remember to move away from our analytical mind to experience life first hand and in the moment ....

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