Top 10 Ways To Make Your Girlfriend Happy - Oba Hold

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Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Top 10 Ways To Make Your Girlfriend Happy

If you're in a relationship and want it to work, it's worth thinking about what you can do to make life more enjoyable for your partner - and, by extension, for you. Here are the top 10 things you can work on to make your girlfriend happy:

1. Listen to Her

It has become a familiar cliché: men do not listen, and there is not much to do about it. For 2016, why not give up lazy stereotypes by practicing active listening. It's not particularly difficult: you ask her how she is doing or if everything is fine, and then sit with her ears open while she answers you. Resist the impulse to try to fix everything immediately: Sometimes she just wants to be heard, and just listening to her and reassuring her that you care is enough.

2. Buy his thoughtful gifts

If you are going out a variation on the same theme year after year, or worse, have resorted to getting your girlfriend gift certificate every birthday and Christmas, it might be time to pull your socks into the gift department. In the weeks leading up to the event, pay attention to any clues she might give you about things she would like to receive, or try to solicit the help of her friends, who may be able to offer a new perspective. In addition, by checking out his Pinterest Pinterest listing or Amazon will almost certainly help you find a bespoke and appreciated gift.

3. Make an effort with your friends

The more you have been with your girlfriend, the more important it is to make sure that you are jealous with other people in your life. You do not need to adopt his bulk group of friends, but if you have insignificant grievances with one of his close friends, why not resolve to overcome your differences. In doing so, it is bound to make life easier for your girlfriend, and it has the bonus effect of reducing the level of animosity in your life.

4. Show an interest in his interests

If your girlfriend has a hobby or passion that you have always ignored, increase her esteem by showing her some interest. You do not necessarily have to participate yourself, but showing up to watch some of your football matches or providing positive comments on your blog will make you feel valued. Mutual respect is the cement of successful relationships, so if you acted as if your interests were insignificant or incidental, it's time to start showing them a little enthusiasm.

5. Take your grooming up to a notch

Women show overwhelming preference for men who are well cared for. Make sure your facial hair is tidy (or completely absent) and that your nails are clean and cut, and why not consider a fresh scent?

6. Do your share of the household

If you live with your girlfriend, it is important to make sure that you do your part to help keep your environment clean and livable. Despite a general movement towards gender egalitarianism in our society, research shows that women still bear an unfair burden when it comes to household chores. Part of the disparity can be attributed to sexist ideas about who should do the housework, but there is also some research that suggests that men are simply slower to notice when things need to be tidied, which means that they have a higher threshold. women. This dynamic can leave your partner feeling taken for granted, so try to take a proactive approach to clean it up, or simply ask more often if there is anything you could do to help at home.

7. Make good use of your time together

Once you are in a relationship, it's easy to fall into a comfortable Netflix-and-take-away routine. It's good to spend the strange cold week-end at home, but if it's a constant, you should aim to make better use of your precious free time together. There are bound to be restaurants, parks, cafes, clubs, bookstores, shops and markets that you have not yet visited in and around your city, so make an effort to start exploring them together. 2016.

8. Plan a trip together

There are very few people who do not enjoy a break from work and a little time in the sun, and your girlfriend is probably no exception. If you can afford to take a whole week off or just a long weekend, planning a getaway together will improve your relationship without fail. Planning a vacation is often as fun as the main event, so start sending screenshots of Jamaican beaches and discount airline tickets.

9. Change your bedroom routine

If you have noticed that your girlfriend's enthusiasm for sex has recently decreased, you may need to vary your usual routine. When it becomes clear that something needs to change, men often make the mistake of assuming that everything has to be done harder, faster and longer. Women often hate this. The key to appealing to your girlfriend is usually less about introducing new wild positions and accessories, and more to do with clear communication and genuine interest in her enjoyment. If you want a better sex life in 2016, ask her what she would like you to do more, and if you are a game, start following.

RELATED READING: 13 things you did not know Women find sexy

10. Consider the level of commitment

You read an article on how to make your girlfriend happier, so it's clear that you enjoy it and the relationship you have together. Assuming she feels the same, the best way to make her smile is to increase your level of commitment. Depending on how long you spend together, this could take many forms: It could mean buying a car or a pet together, moving in with each other or, if the time is right, maybe even skipping the question....

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