What to Do If Ex Ignores You (And Why They're Ignoring You!) - Oba Hold


Win Goals

Wednesday 11 October 2017

What to Do If Ex Ignores You (And Why They're Ignoring You!)

So your 30-plus days of no contact are finished and you’re about to text your ex for the first time since your breakup. Your heart is racing. What do you say? Should you call instead? What if they deleted your number and don’t know it’s you? There are a million questions racing through your mind.

You finally decide on the perfect message to send. It’s simple, pleasant, and in no way mentions your relationship. As you hit “send” a smile that you haven’t felt in what seems like decades pinches your lips, and suddenly the butterflies are back.

But just as quickly as you felt high, you’re crushed. Your ex didn’t answer. You wait, and wait, and wait some more. Hours pass, days, weeks… Over this time you send at least a dozen more messages, each one getting longer and more emotional as time passes and frustration grows.

Still, no reply. But why?

I’m Brad Browning, by the way… and in this video I’m going to talk to you about why it is that your ex won’t respond to your calls or texts. To tell you a bit about myself, I’ve been a relationship coach and breakup expert for the last decade or so. You may have heard about my best-selling program, The Ex Factor Guide, which teaches readers how to get back together with their ex. Well, now that you know a bit about me, let’s jump right into it.

There could be many reasons why your ex won’t answer your calls or texts, the most likely of them is that the messages you’re sending don’t work. 

Before I explain what I mean by this and talk about the types of messages you should be sending, let’s get something out of the way. DO NOT FREAK OUT IF YOU DON’T GET A RESPONSE TO YOUR FIRST MESSAGE. Sometimes your ex won’t text back because they are actually busy. If they don’t message you back the same day it doesn’t mean they won’t at all.

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