How to Transform Stress into Success - Oba Hold

Win Goals

Sunday, 13 August 2017

How to Transform Stress into Success


What happens when you take the stress and turn it into success. Would not that be a better way to use your energy? Sometimes a simple change as we focus our energy and concentration can dramatically change the way we experience life.

Often we do not really need more time and energy. Just change the way we use what we already have. Let us examine three specific ways of changing stress and creating success.

Accept that some things can not be changed

We can not change the past, period. Affected only create unnecessary stress. One of the best things you can do yourself is accepting this fact. All that has happened so far in your life is the story, it is completely immutable. One of the greatest ways to waste time and energy is to free oneself from the past; He's gone, let it go.

Look at missed opportunities not to recruit. To feel guilty for the mistakes of the past does not serve you. Any kind of negative energy for yourself or for other things on the things that have already taken you will leave you drenched and frustrated. It is a pure waste of vitality to keep up all the negative emotional ancestors of the past.

Action Step: Create a list of all the events, situations, relationships, or past mistakes you feel bad or that cause you stress. Write them all together negative feelings associated with them. When you are finished reading each article and asking yourself, "What can I do to get closure here?" If you have to apologize with someone, go to. Most of the time, all you have to do for the closure is to let it go.

Once you have answered this question for each article, leave the list and cast, and these negative feelings. It's the garbage and that's where you should call it. The next time you are tempted to see these feelings or events, say "no emotional banderolle diving."

Accept that some things can still be changed

One thing you can always change your perception and your response to everything that happens in your life. It is your life, you can own it and that means you have the strength and the freedom to decide the meaning and value of each experience.

Many people are so in the way of reaction they do not recognize their own abilities to control their response. This mentality is a great source of stress. Nobody makes us angry or happy, we choose these feelings. When we choose the ability to train our emotional response, we operate a great source of personal power. We are not victims of our circumstances, unless we choose.

Action Step: The next time you feel "react" instead of answering, ask, "What could it say more?" Then comes with three alternative meanings and chooses one that feels the most empowerment. Well, answer this question. This will turn a stressful response to a successful response.

Do not let the problems of other people become your problems

Some people are a disaster for a place to relax. One way to avoid being stressed with her is just stand out. If someone is in a bad mood, do your best to stay away from them. When the driver behind you close up drive, pull past and let it pass. It's their problem, but take it personally to make your problem.

When you go eat and there are strong people, unpleasant next to you, changing tables. If someone anger bouffir against you tries to apologize, without you personally contemptuous. By remaining alert to potentially dangerous situations, you can avoid most of the time. You can not control how others behave, but you can control whether your problems will authorize your problems.

Step Action: Review the most common scenarios where you have allowed others to stress you. Well, design a different strategy that you can use the next time in this case. Make sure it is a strategy that allows you to remain emotionally neutral. Repeat this strategy in your head.

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